Views are closely coupled with page templates, which contain the layout code or markup necessary to correctly present the view to the user. 视图与页面模板紧密结合,页面模板包含必要的布局代码和标记,以将视图正确地呈现给用户。
Normally, it would display the page with a layout and view consistent with the rest of your browser-friendly Web site. 通常,这将通过含有布局和视图(与浏览器友好的网站的其余内容保持一致)的页面显示。
On the Law of "Fan Zheng Wu Bie" or "Dao Zheng Wu Bie" in the Character Style of the Inscriptions on Bones and Tortoise Shells Toggles showing the main text layer in page layout view 甲骨文字形反正或倒正无别规律试探是否显示页面视图方式下的正文文字
These controls change the appearance of the entire visual display-Normal view, Page Layout view, and Outline view. 这些控件改变整个视觉显示的外观,即正常视图、页面布局和大纲视图。
Introduces DUT library homepage opening management system's design from three part of it: system function module, main program page layout view and database analysis. 从系统功能模块的设计,程序主要页面设计和数据库的分析与设计三大部分的内容,详细介绍了本馆开发的图书馆主页开放式管理系统。
Shows next section's header/ footer in page layout view 在页面视图下显示下一节的页眉/页脚
Toggles showing the main text layer in page layout view 是否显示页面视图方式下的正文文字
For more information on page layout view, see use the page layout view to fine-tune pages before printing. 有关“页面布局”视图的详细信息,请参阅打印前使用“页面布局”视图细调页面。
Note excel displays the worksheet in page layout view. 注释excel在“页面布局”视图中显示工作表。
Under page display options, select the show white space between pages in print layout view check box. 在“页面显示选项”下,选中“在页面视图中显示页面间空白”复选框。
You must switch to page layout view to see the object this bookmark refers to. 您必须切换到页面布局视图以查看该书签所指的对象。
In View layer, for the browser client, since the JSP module technology provides a short cutting and clipping method to establish and show the Web page layout with dynamic content, JSP module technology is adopted to display the view of client. 显示逻辑层(View层),对于浏览器用户,由于JSP组件技术为创建显示动态生成内容的Web页面提供了一个简捷而快速的方法,因此采用JSP组件技术显示用户的视图。